I love it!
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I love it!
prostitutes are playmates
this is so damn accurate i have so much trouble with this game jusus hardest game on ps3 damn y u no claim title earlier in like 2008 or sumthing and im so exited for dark souls 2 my bro just got the betaa but it is only online from 2am to 5am so i obviously cannot play it
@ThreeSoulsOneMirrior he said that playstation now was retarded and all the people from tumblr attacked him with dumb shit so him and his freinds fought back because of how fucking stupid everybody from tumblr was, then the people who make fun of tumblr showed up and that when it got really funny but jon just said something was retarded check you facts before you post dumbass i saw the tweet it wasnt bad tumblr freaks just attacked anything that would only offend a few people because you know everything and anything offends tumblr. so just saying youre wrong check your facts. also great game its addictive i came back every day trying to beat it, then i beat it now i want to improve my time, Mike you have done it again.
why do you hate this guy, he is clearly a comedic figure on newgrounds he made comedic videos and he deserved the front page all people who downvote this dont remember classic newgrounds when we were so used to these things and please upvote this because all the five years olds on this site cannot take a joke for shit.
its just bad i don't like it sorry
wow this is really cool i love it the beat is great and you must have put a good amount of thought to do this and a question, what was the maximum amount of beats you had to use in a downward row
I'm glad you like it!
As far as your question goes, I'm not sure I know what you mean. I would be happy to answer it if you could help me to better understand it.
favorite remix it has the creepy feel with a starting music box tune and a little girl silently chanting and then the techno get thrown in turning it form creepy to upbeat and epic
The fuck is this horse-shit
hey she can steal my soul anytime.
it looks like somebody was fighting a baby with a sword
Joined on 8/17/09